Bainbridge Island — 4 Birds Vintage


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Bainbridge Island

Bainbridge Island

Bainbridge Island welcomed us with verdant arms and rocky shores. 

And dear friends were there to greet us too...
friends on bainbridge. photo by Victoria of re.Served

friends on bainbridge. photo by Victoria of re.Served

As our children tumbled out to play, jubilant in the seaside air,

Adam maneuvered into our very first camping space.
Seaside treasures were collected and studied,
Found objects made into pieces of art.
seaside assemblage by Olivia

seaside assemblage by Olivia

A campfire was built,

essential to this evening of firsts.

And though a valiant attempt was made,our fire-blackened apple crisps were neither photographed nor eaten.
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All too soon, goodbyes were said as

Victoria (dear friend & business owner of the fabulous re.Served) & her two little ones

drove away, and we settled in for the night,

starlight overhead, city lights across the water.
Morning brought walks on the beach,
and first rides along the shore.
Refuge was found on a misty afternoon in an island bookstore,

where we all eagerly perused books by favorite authors.
the good book huddle @ Eagle Harbor Book Co.

the good book huddle @ Eagle Harbor Book Co.

Late autumn on the island did not disappoint:

 crisp clarity, a quiet park,

and luminous leaves.
iphone photos 585.JPG
Portland Bound

Portland Bound

A Dream Realized

A Dream Realized