A Dream Realized — 4 Birds Vintage


Welcome to our blog where we share our love of adventure, family, and vintage with you all. Take a look around and enjoy!

A Dream Realized

A Dream Realized

After years of dreaming and working...

planning and working...

praying and working some more...

a dream has been realized

a gift given.

End of day :: Lake Crescent, WA

End of day :: Lake Crescent, WA

A dream of a simpler life, a life together: raising our children, working a business, traveling together.

A dream of a sabbatical from the everyday

Time to breathe, learn, listen, write.

1950's umbrella :: Ediz Hook :: Port Angeles, WA

1950's umbrella :: Ediz Hook :: Port Angeles, WA

So after selling our coffeehouse, 

we stowed our earthly possessions in a 10’ x 20’ space, 

The Blackbird Coffeehouse :: Port Angeles, WA

The Blackbird Coffeehouse :: Port Angeles, WA

said our goodbyes,

farewell and full hands

farewell and full hands

and set off 8 weeks ago with our four children in a truck and trailer.



With no set itinerary,

we began this journey eager to explore and learn and grow as a family.



Excited to discover pieces of beauty and enduring quality for the 4 Birds Vintage shop.

1950's silk dress by B.H. Wragge :: 4 birds vintage

1950's silk dress by B.H. Wragge :: 4 birds vintage

Almost a decade ago, we began 4 Birds Vintage with a shared love of the past, and we are thankful now to partner in it again.

1930's - early 1940's dress :: 4 birds vintage

1930's - early 1940's dress :: 4 birds vintage

Please follow our journey and share in our finds via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and this blog.

And if you know of a must-see place, we’d love to hear about it!

Bainbridge Island

Bainbridge Island

autumn shoe preview

autumn shoe preview