Photo Shoot — 4 Birds Vintage


Welcome to our blog where we share our love of adventure, family, and vintage with you all. Take a look around and enjoy!

Photo Shoot

Photo Shoot

While the 1955 Christian Dior dress

has been made available, 

1955 Christian Dior dress

1955 Christian Dior dress

we have begun photographing 

a collection of a lifetime.

A woman, whose passion for preserving fashion 

was evident

from the first moment we spoke,

was parting with her lifetime collection;

and with excitement we took it on.

These are a few glimpses of what we have photographed so far...

1940's beaded sweater

1940's beaded sweater

Many more beautiful pieces are being photographed this week.

1955 Christian Dior beading details

1955 Christian Dior beading details

Please follow along at

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for previews of pieces to come.

Tides and Trees

Tides and Trees

