Colorized — 4 Birds Vintage


Welcome to our blog where we share our love of adventure, family, and vintage with you all. Take a look around and enjoy!



In a recent discussion, our children were curious about how old Abraham Lincoln was when he became President,

so we looked it up and came across this series of photos.

Colorized by Michael Ranger

Colorized by Michael Ranger

Colorized by Sanna Dullaway

Colorized by Sanna Dullaway

Something about the colorization was deeply moving and powerful.

Olivia echoed all our thoughts: "He a real person..."


We looked at more historic photos

colorized by artists.

This was the crowd favorite.

Albert Einstein in Long Island 1939. Colorized by Paul Edwards

Albert Einstein in Long Island 1939. Colorized by Paul Edwards

Photographs both familiar and obscure moved us, pulled us in with their new-found color. 

At once, the faces felt more real, their emotions more palpable.

And we connected with the brilliance.

A sailor reads with his child while he waits for a holiday train at Waterloo Station in London, 1927. Colorized by crumbleater

A sailor reads with his child while he waits for a holiday train at Waterloo Station in London, 1927. Colorized by crumbleater

In the last year I have enjoyed perusing

several issues of Woman's Wear magazine from the 1920's,

reveling in the the fashion plates and illustrations.

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But most were in black and white.

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An uncovered stash of 1920's - 1930's salesman fabric samples

helped to colorize those illustrations for me.

A set of 4 brilliant paisley prints, available here

A set of 4 brilliant paisley prints, available here

Brilliant colors, vivid shades, an array of patterns.

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A pair of bold Art Nouveau textile prints, available here

A pair of bold Art Nouveau textile prints, available here

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Small numbered squares of silk

once contained in a binding of some sort and conveyed from door to door.

A set of 4 prints, available here

A set of 4 prints, available here

I have sorted and handled these pieces,

A matching pair of a lovely abstract print, available here

A matching pair of a lovely abstract print, available here

ironed them smooth more than once (I admit),

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photographed them, 

breathed in the smell of time on silk,

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and now share the trove with you.

Sets available in the 4 Birds Vintage shop

Sets available in the 4 Birds Vintage shop

The Lighthouse and the Octopus

The Lighthouse and the Octopus

Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers