Nehalem — 4 Birds Vintage


Welcome to our blog where we share our love of adventure, family, and vintage with you all. Take a look around and enjoy!



Nehalem Bay was the place we chose

to breathe and get our bearings at the onset of this trip.

It has been our go-to spot to camp since Olivia's first camping trip at 1.

Grass-covered dunes,

Northwest forest,

and a quiet state park.

Days settled into a pleasing rhythm of

seaside walks through the morning - 



rescuing -

Bicycle rides 

through forest

and fog

and rainy afternoons in the library quiet -



researching mushrooms, jellies, and trees.

Realities of rv life became more apparent - 

sewer duties, close quarters, wet clothes.

And though this trip is a break from the ordinary,

the everyday tasks still persist -

preparing meals, 

doing dishes,

and all that is parenting a family of four. 

But we are laughing often

at ourselves and with each other,

and finding beauty and grace

in the everyday place.

Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers

Portland Bound

Portland Bound